· Osteen’s bestselling books are Your Best Life Now and Become a Better You. Other Names: Osteen is a Word of Faith evangelist; commonly identified as a preacher of the “prosperity” gospel (an identification he disputes). · Become a Better You. by. Joel Osteen. Publication date. Topics. Personal Guidance, Self-Help, Inspirational, Christian Life - General, Christian Life - Inspirational - Protestant Self Help, Christian Life - Personal Growth, Motivational Inspirational, Christian Life, Christianity, Large type books, World War, , Self User Interaction Count: · Free PDF: Joel Osteen Book - Become a Better You, Download Free PDF Notes for this Book.
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Osteen’s bestselling books are Your Best Life Now and Become a Better You. Other Names: Osteen is a Word of Faith evangelist; commonly identified as a preacher of the “prosperity” gospel (an identification he disputes). become a better you daily readings joel osteen Daily Readings from Become a Better You - 90 Devotions for Improving Your Life Every Day A beautifully compiled collection of inspirational and motivational readings prepared by America's best-known pastor, this is the perfect complement to the principles outlined in "Become a Better You." Become a. Joel will help you look deep inside yourself to become a better spouse and parent, a better boss or employee, a better community leader, a better friend -- in short, a better person! Joel Osteen reveals seven simple yet profound principles that when taken to heart will help you become all that God has created you to be.